Thursday, February 21, 2019

Fly Away

From my own thoughts hurts pains confusions disappointments irritations insecurities...
Lord I will fly away from the lo loneliness and regret
As My own body forgets all the things it has kept and all the thoughts undelt with
I will fly away from the early mornings drinks of emptiness
Eyes crying for soul seeing peace seeking clarity for me to feel again
Oh Glory I will fly away
Not yet instead I have nothing left but the truth felt of me needing longing to be more than a failing hinderment to the Kingdom
What will it take for me to feel one with Him again? To feel the okay and know this really is the right way as I glide into the next day?
Hear my cries oh Father I'm not ready to die Heal me Lord inside outside rightside Heartside Left...Father in Heaven I am beside myself in it all knowing I can not heal without You saying it is To Be Done
Not a joke I dont play with you I know your power is greater than I could ever fathom
Acknowledged Lord I acknowledge accept seek to aquire you Lord and all you want in this vessel that longs to