Sunday, March 22, 2015

Brown Eyes

I wish I didn't love those eyes.  Then I wouldn't avoid them to resist from crying.  If you understand the love the peace all I wanted for you. I can't believe how easy it was to fall when I told myself time again that it wouldn't be me falling and living in a nightmare. But Lord knows that I am in the middle of the battle of my life.  My life is dramatic bug my heart is speaking so much truth.  I have prayed I gave my all I want to give more but i am smart enough to stop when it isn't reciprocated.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Transition

The transition from his wife to be to his mistress to th level where i dont see him at all is not working the best for my heart although my inside is doing well.  he hugged me and it felt like he put a little extra strengthin it as he held on while i pulled back  .  almost as if he just doesnt understand that the mear touch makes me want to cry .  sigh.  love is such a lie.  it gives such a false since of security . for once just once it would have been nice had the love been about me.  just me.