Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sticks And Stones

Gosh long road from those. words can hurt.  I use to really believe they could not.  I dont know why proving innocence is so important when its only rep on the line. Shouldnt it be enough u r ok?  Shouldnt it be enough ur home is well?  Shouldnt it be enough u have the needs met?  Why isnt it enough?  It should be.

Each moment is in connection to the next moment and the last moment as if they are the only moment to matter. Yeah, in the moment you through the stones, you didnt expect the heart to shatter like it was a twig of a stick did you?

Friday, February 15, 2013

Crying to Sleep

I celebrated my birthday with friends. Its like i can finally see myseelf as alone as ive been for awhile. It doesnt help though.  Knowing.  It just makes me cry more. He let me know good news in his life today while im crying on the inside.  I mean why me?  Why not me?  Im just another one...another cryer another sad one crying out for help from you Lord.